lunes, 3 de agosto de 2020

Tarea para 6to grado turno tarde seño Kari.

Tarea para 6to grado turno tarde seño Kari.

Sign up for your after-school activity! (page 24)


A noticeboard

Complete activities 1, 2 and 3.

Activity 1

Before you read. Look at the noticeboard. What are the posters about?

Antes de leer. Mira la pizarra informativa. ¿De qué se tratan los posters?

Activity 2

Read – Answer.

1.      What day is the choir practice on?

2.      What time does the drama club start?

3.      What time does the football training finish?

4.      Where is the orchestra practice?

5.      Which activity can you do on Fridays?

Activity 3

Answer this question.

Which activities from the noticeboard do you like?


What day: Qué día?

What time? A qué hora?

Where? Dónde?

Which? Cuál?

Choir: coro



Watch the video and complete the conversation.

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